Compliance with non-financial reporting standards and recommendations (GRI, SASB, TCFD, RSPP)

GRI content index

Statement of use The Magnit Group discloses information in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2022.
GRI 1 Standard used GRI 1: Foundation 2021
Applicable GRI Sector Standard GRI 13: Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fishing Sectors 2022
Standard Disclosure Report section / Comment Section Omission GRI Sector Standard indicator code
Omission Reason Explanatory note
General disclosures
GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021 2-1 Organisational details The Group is headquartered at 15/5 Solnechnaya St., Krasnodar, 350072, Russia.
2-2 Entities included in the organisation’s sustainability reporting For the purposes of this Report, the Magnit Group includes PJSC Magnit and its subsidiaries (JSC Tander, JSC DIXY-Yug, Selta LLC, Retail Import LLC). About this Report
2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point

The Report covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 2022. Sustainability reports are published annually.

Contacts and feedback:

Director for Sustainable Development
Nadezhda Galaktionova

Head of Rating Analytics and
Non-Financial Reporting
Tatiana Kovaleva

About this Report
2-4 Restatements of information The Group did not update any historical data.
2-5 External assurance The report went through public assurance at the RSPP Council on Non-Financial Reporting.
2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships

Company Overview

Sustainable Sourcing

Business model,
Sustainable supply chain
2-7 Employees

Our Employees

Appendix to the Our Employees section

Personnel structure,
Appendix to the Our Employees section
2-8 Workers who are not employees The Group has no workers who are not employees.
2-9 Governance structure and composition Corporate Governance Corporate governance framework Composition of the Board of Directors and its committees by under-represented social groups Confidentiality restrictions The Group does not collect such information about its employees and members of its governing bodies for the reasons of confidentiality and personal data protection.
2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body Corporate Governance Board of Directors
2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts Corporate Governance Our approach to sustainability management
2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts Corporate Governance Our approach to sustainability management 2-13.b. Process and frequency for senior executives to report back to the highest governance body on the management of impacts Incomplete information The Group has no formal process for senior executives to report back to the Board of Directors on the management of impacts.
2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting When preparing sustainability reports, the Group holds consultations and discussions with stakeholders, following which it draws up the list of material topics. Information regarding the management of such topics is collected internally by the Group’s responsible units. The information presented in reports is previewed by the Management Board and the Board of Directors. Sustainability reports are signed by the President of Magnit and then made publicly available.
2-15 Conflicts of interest

Corporate Governance

Our Employees

Equal opportunities for all,
Business ethics and anti-corruption
2-15.b. Report whether conflicts of interest are disclosed to stakeholders Confidentiality restrictions Information regarding conflicts of interests and the Company’s process for managing them is confidential, including by virtue of data protection laws.
2-16 Communication of critical concerns Critical concerns may be reported by calling the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Hotline, as well as by calling or emailing to the Group’s single contact centre. Reports are registered and passed on to the relevant business units for investigation. If confirmed, critical concerns are communicated to managers who escalate them to the Board of Directors. In 2022, the Group received no critical concerns to be escalated to the Board of Directors.
2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body The Group conducted no training of members of the Board of Directors in 2022.
2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body The Group did not evaluate the performance of the Board of Directors or its committees in 2022.
2-23 Policy commitments Sustainability Management Our approach to sustainability management
2-24 Embedding policy commitments Sustainability Management Our approach to sustainability management
2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts

Sustainability Management

Stakeholder Engagement Appendix

Our approach to sustainability management,
Stakeholder engagement
2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns

Sustainability Management

Our Employees

Corporate Governance

Our approach to sustainability management,
Equal opportunities for all,
Business ethics and anti-corruption
2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations No material violations of laws and regulations were reported in 2022.
2-28 Membership associations The Magnit Group is a member of the Retail Companies Association (ACORT), the Association of Internet Trading Companies (AKIT), the Big Data Association (BDA), and the Consumer Goods Forum.
2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder Engagement Appendix

Stakeholder engagement
Material topics
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-1 Process to determine material topics About this Report About this Report
3-2 List of material topics About this Report About this Report
Indirect economic impacts
GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts 203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported Engaging with Local Communities Our approach to cooperating with local communities
203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts Engaging with Local Communities Our approach to cooperating with local communities 13.22.4
Procurement practices
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics Sustainable Sourcing Sustainable supply chain
GRI 204: Procurement Practices 2016 204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers Sustainable Sourcing Engaging local producers
GRI 13.9: Food Security 13.9.1 Ensuring food security Sustainable Sourcing Engaging local producers
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics Corporate Governance Corporate governance framework,
Business ethics and anti-corruption
GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures Corporate Governance Business ethics and anti-corruption 13.26.3
GRI 207: Tax 2019 207-1 Approach to tax Corporate Governance Tax policy
207-2 Tax governance, control, and risk management Corporate Governance
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics Environmental Stewardship Tax policy
GRI 301: Materials 2016 301-2 Recycled input materials used Environmental Stewardship Environmental protection,
Waste management
301-3 Reclaimed products and their packaging materials Environmental Stewardship Chain waste,
Food waste
GRI 302: Energy 2016 302-1 Energy consumption within the organisation Environmental Stewardship Chain waste,
Food waste
302-4 Reduction of energy consumption Environmental Stewardship Emission reduction
Water resources
GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018 303-3 Water withdrawal Environmental Stewardship Water resources management 13.7.4
303-4 Water discharge Environmental Stewardship Water resources management 13.7.5
GRI 305: Emissions 2016 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Environmental Stewardship Emission reduction 13.1.2
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions Environmental Stewardship Emission reduction 13.1.4
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions Environmental Stewardship Emission reduction 13.1.6
305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions Environmental Stewardship Emission reduction 13.1.8
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics Environmental Stewardship Environmental protection
GRI 306: Waste 2020 306-1 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts Environmental Stewardship Waste management 13.8.2
306-2 Management of significant waste-related impacts Environmental Stewardship Waste management 13.8.3
306-3 Waste generated Environmental Stewardship Chain waste,
Food waste
306-4 Waste diverted from disposal Environmental Stewardship Chain waste 13.8.5
306-5 Waste directed to disposal Environmental Stewardship Chain waste 13.8.6
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics Our Employees Personnel management
GRI 401: Employment 2016 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover Our Employees
Appendix to the Our Employees section
Personnel structure,
Appendix to the Our Employees section
401-3 Parental leave Our Employees Social support
Occupational health and safety
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics Our Employees Personnel structure,
Managing occupational health and safety
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018 403-1 Occupational health and safety management system Our Employees Managing occupational health and safety 13.19.2
403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation Our Employees Minimising risks 13.19.3
403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety Our Employees Training on occupational health and safety 13.19.6
403-6 Promotion of worker health Our Employees Human rights 13.19.7
403-9 Work-related injuries Our Employees Reducing injury rates 13.19.10
Training and education
GRI 404: Training and Education 2016 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee Our Employees Training and development
404-2 Programmes for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programmes Our Employees Training and development
Diversity and equal opportunity
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees Our Employees Personnel structure 13.15.2
GRI 406: Non-discrimination 2016 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken Responsible Business Human rights 13.15.4
Child labour
GRI 408: Child Labour 2018 408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labour The Company does not use child labour in its own operations and supply chain.
Forced or compulsory labour
GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labour 2016 409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour The Company does not tolerate the use of forced or compulsory labour in its own operations and supply chain.
Local communities
GRI 413: Local Communities 2016 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programmes Engaging with Local Communities Our approach to cooperating with local communities 13.12.2
Customer health and safety
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics

Sustainable Sourcing

Responsible Business

Sustainable supply chain,
Product quality and safety
GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety 416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories Sustainable Sourcing Product quality and safety 13.10.2
Customer privacy
GRI 418: Customer Privacy 2016 418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data No incidents of unauthorised access to customer data were identified in 2022.

SASB content index

Indicator Definition Report section Section
Fleet Fuel Management FB-FR-110a.1 Fleet fuel consumed, percentage renewable Environmental Stewardship Emission reduction
Air Emissions from Refrigeration FB-FR-110b.1 Gross global Scope 1 emissions from refrigerants Environmental Stewardship Emission reduction
Energy Management FB-FR-130a.1 (1) Operational energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, (3) percentage renewable Environmental Stewardship Emission reduction
Food Waste Management FB-FR-150a.1 Amount of food waste generated, percentage diverted from the waste stream Environmental Stewardship Food waste
Data security
FB-FR-230a.1 (1) Number of data breaches, (2) percentage involving personally identifiable information (PII), (3) number of customers affected Not applicable
FB-FR-230a.2 Description of approach to identifying and addressing data security risks

Responsible Business

Corporate Governance

Customer relations,
Information security
Product health & nutrition
FB-FR-260a.1 Revenue from products labelled and/or marketed to promote health and nutrition attributes Not applicable
FB-FR-260a.2. Discussion of the process to identify and manage products and ingredients related to nutritional and health concerns among consumers Responsible Business Health and well-being
Labour Practices FB-FR-310a.2 Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements Not applicable
Management of Environmental & Social Impacts in the Supply Chain FB-FR-430a.4 Discussion of strategies to reduce the environmental impact of packaging Sustainable Sourcing Sustainable supply chain
Activity metrics
FB-FR-000.A Number of (1) retail locations and (2) distribution centres Company Overview Magnit at a glance
FB-FR-000.B Total area of (1) retail space and (2) distribution centres Company Overview Magnit at a glance
FB-FR-000.C Number of vehicles in corporate fleet Company Overview Magnit at a glance

Compliance with TCFD recommendations

Section Recommendations Information / Report section Section


The organisation’s governance around climate-related risks and opportunities

a) Describe the board’s oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities Environmental Stewardship Climate change
b) Describe management’s role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities


Actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organisation’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning where such information is material

a) Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the organisation has identified over the short, medium, and long term Environmental Stewardship Climate risks
b) Describe the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organisation’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning
c) Describe the resilience of the organisation’s strategy, taking into consideration different climate-related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario

Risk Management

How the organisation identifies, assesses, and manages climate-related risks

a) Describe the organisation’s processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks Environmental Stewardship Climate risks
b) Describe the organisation’s processes for managing climate-related risks
c) Describe how processes for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related risks are integrated into the organisation’s overall risk management

Metrics and Targets

Metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities where such information is material

a) Disclose the metrics used by the organisation to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process Environmental Stewardship Climate risks
b) Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2 and, if appropriate, Scope 3 GHG emissions and the related risks
c) Describe the targets used by the organisation to manage climate-related risks and opportunities and performance against targets

RSPP Reference Performance Indicators

Section Information / Report section Section
Economic indicators
1.1. Main business conduct principles Company Overview Magnit at a glance
1.2. Volume of sales (work, services) Not applicable
1.3. Accrued taxes and other mandatory deductions Corporate Governance Tax policy
1.4. Payroll costs Our Employees Social support
1.5. Asset investment Not applicable
1.6. Payments to capital providers Not applicable
1.7. Community investment Engaging with Local Communities Our approach to cooperating with local communities
1.8. Voluntary retirement benefits Not applicable
Environmental indicators
2.1. Percentage of recycled input materials used Environmental Stewardship Chain waste
2.2. Energy consumption Environmental Stewardship Emission reduction
2.2.1. Energy consumption per unit of production Not applicable
2.3. Fresh water consumption for own use Environmental Stewardship Water resources management
2.3.1. Water consumption per unit of production Not applicable
2.4. Percentage of recycled water in total water consumption for own use Not applicable
Emissions, effluents and waste
2.5. GHG emissions Environmental Stewardship Emission reduction
2.6. Emissions of air pollutants Environmental Stewardship Emission reduction
2.6.1. Emissions per unit of production Not applicable
2.7. Wastewater effluents Environmental Stewardship Water resources management
2.7.2. Pollutant effluents Environmental Stewardship Water resources management
2.8. Waste volume Environmental Stewardship Chain waste,
Food waste
2.8.1. Waste per unit of production Not applicable
2.9. Number of significant emergencies with environmental impact None
2.10. Recovered environmental damage Environmental Stewardship Environmental protection
Products and services
2.11. Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services, and extent of impact mitigation Environmental Stewardship Emission reduction,
Food waste,
Green Office
2.12. Environmental protection investment Environmental Stewardship Environmental protection
Social indicators
Labour practices and decent work performance indicators
3.1.1. Total workforce by region Appendix to the Our Employees section Appendix to the Our Employees section
3.1.2. Employee turnover Our Employees Personnel structure
3.1.3. Rate of employee turnover caused by whatever reason Not applicable
Employee/management relations
3.1.4. Workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements Not applicable
3.1.5. Work-related injury rate Our Employees Reducing injury rates
3.1.6. Number of work-related fatalities Our Employees Reducing injury rates
3.1.7. Number of occupational diseases None
3.1.8. Time lost to all-cause morbidity Not applicable
3.1.9. Labour safety costs Not applicable
3.1.10. Number of training hours per employee Our Employees Training and development
3.1.11. Training costs Not applicable
3.1.12. Women’s participation in management bodies Our Employees Engagement, loyalty, and satisfaction
Human rights performance indicators
3.2.1. Labour disputes Responsible Business Human rights
3.2.2. Incidents of discrimination

Responsible Business

Our Employees

Human rights,
Engagement, loyalty, and satisfaction
3.2.3. Incidents affecting the rights of indigenous minorities Not applicable
Community relations performance indicators
3.3.1. Interaction with government authorities on socially significant matters (social and economic development in the regions of operation) Engaging with Local Communities Key social projects
3.3.2. Interaction with non-profit and non-governmental organisations on socially significant matters Engaging with Local Communities Key social projects
3.3.3. Assessment of contribution to the social and economic development of local communities Engaging with Local Communities Our approach to cooperating with local communities
Public policy
3.3.4. Participation in external initiatives, including in public policy development Not applicable
3.3.5. Participation in non-profit (e.g., sectoral) organisations and/or national and international organisations that are aligned with the company’s interests

Responsible Business

Corporate Governance

Engaging with Local Communities

Responsible marketing practices,
Food waste,
Key social projects,
Tax policy,
Compliance with non-financial reporting standards and recommendations
Product responsibility performance indicators
Product and service labelling
3.4.1. Information and labelling Sustainable Sourcing Product quality and safety
3.4.2. Product quality assurance Sustainable Sourcing Product quality and safety