Human rights

Among Magnit’s sustainable development priorities is respect for human rights and equal opportunities for all. Guided by best practices in human rights protection, we ensure total compliance with all standards and requirements.

Our approach to human rights

Respect for human rights lies at the heart of our engagement with all internal and external stakeholders. We strictly adhere to the principles set out in our Human Rights Policy and communicate the importance of respecting human rights to our employees and contractors. We expect all of Magnit’s business partners to respect human rights and are open to collaboration and joint initiatives in this area..

Principles of Russian Business Social Charter

Human rights

We acknowledge the inviolability of human rights, protect them in our business, and take them into consideration in our decision-making process

Material topics

  • Equality and inclusion.

Priority UN SDGs

Key documents

Internal regulations
  • Human Rights PolicyApproved by Magnit’s President in 2020.
  • Code of Business EthicsApproved by resolution of Magnit’s Board of Directors on 21 March 2019 (Minutes w/o No. dated 24 March 2019).
External documents
  • International Bill of Human Rights
  • ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
  • European Convention on Human Rights
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
  • Russian Labour Code

Human rights management framework

Our approach to protecting human rights
Our principles Responsibilities Stakeholders whose rights are protected
GRI 406-1
Non-discrimination in any form
We will not tolerate discrimination of any kind in any of our operations, including hiring practices. Our responsibility is stated in both our Human Rights Policy and Business Ethics Code. Employees In 2022, no cases of discrimination were reported.
Creating an inclusive environment and supporting diversity We create and maintain an inclusive environment as part of our corporate culture and share our approach with customers, local communities, and other stakeholders.



Local communities

  • We trained all store employees in servicing people with disabilities, with 75% of our staff taking a dedicated course as part of our Kind Bunny inclusive project.
  • We joined the Open to All project set to create a barrier-free environment for the disabled. We signed the project’s key document – The National Inclusion Agreement, confirming our commitment to providing equal opportunities to people with disabilities.
  • We launched a project to offer career guidance to disabled students at School No. 627 in St Petersburg as part of our Magnit Life programme.
  • We opened the first inclusive playground for children with vision and hearing impairments in Nizhny Novgorod.
GRI 408-1
GRI 409-1
Zero tolerance of forced and child labour
We will not tolerate the use of child labour, forced labour, prison or military labour, slavery or human trafficking in our own operations and those of our suppliers and partners. All forms of employment at Magnit are voluntary


Suppliers and partners

In 2022, no cases of forced and child labour were reported.
Zero tolerance of harassment in any form We will not tolerate any form of harassment in the workplace. We operate an ethics hotline where every employee can find help and support from the Company Employees In 2022, our anti-corruption hotline received one report of unethical behaviour with respect to a Company employee. The investigation confirmed the allegations, and the Company decided to take disciplinary action against the employee in question.
Freedom of associations and unions We encourage the establishment of interest groups by employees and promote corporate volunteering


Local communities

Our employees take an active part in volunteering by staging environmental campaigns, helping animal shelters, patronising orphanages and aiding the elderly.
Fair and regular pay We offer our employees stable and fair wages. All across our footprint, our salaries exceed the subsistence level set by the government Employees

In 2022, we factored in and compensated for extraordinary inflationary pressure on our staff’s income to help maintain adequate living standards for the most vulnerable groups.

Magnit ensures the continuity and consistency of the adopted remuneration schemes.

Holiday entitlement All employees at Magnit are entitled to a leave, which is stipulated by the Russian Labour Code. All Magnit employees are entitled to a maternity leave and we support everyone returning from a maternity leave in an attempt to increase the employee retention rate Employees In 2022, we launched a Seaside Vacation social programme, which enables vulnerable groups of employees from some of our branches (disabled employees or employees with disabled children, those having three or more children, and single parents) to spend eight days at the seaside at Magnit’s expense.
GRI 403-5
Safe working environment
Providing a safe working environment for our employees and contractors is our priority. Our primary goal is zero accidents and we do everything in our power to achieve this. We are constantly improving our environmental management approaches to reduce our impact on the environment and the health of our stakeholders


Suppliers and partners

In 2022, we updated our occupational safety training programme taken by over 131,000 employees. For contractors and suppliers, we organise occupational safety briefings.

A representative of any stakeholder group who possesses information on known or suspected human rights abuses can inform the Company through any of our feedback channels.

Magnit hotlines DIXY hotlines
8 (800) 6000-477
8 (800) 234-23-52
Website feedback form Website feedback form

All reports are handled in line with confidentiality requirements. We guarantee whistleblowers acting in good faith confidentiality of their personal data and protection against retribution. Each reported violation of human rights is subject to investigation. If the violation is confirmed, we take disciplinary action against violators as required by the applicable laws. We also develop and implement preventive measures.
