Magnit is one of Russia’s leading food retail chains and the country’s largest retailer by number of stores and geographical coverage.
Our mission
Magnit’s mission is to become the store of choice for every Russian family.
At Magnit, we are committed to operational excellence and professionalism in all areas of activity, while seeking to deliver exceptional quality and customer service.
We highly value the principles of teamwork and respect for each other and our customers, and encourage open and constructive dialogue and effective cross-functional cooperation.
We implement best practices and innovative technologies in our operations and strive to build a better future for all.
Our five-year sustainability strategy to 2025, “Retail with Purpose”, sets ambitious goals, promotes a sustainable corporate culture and focuses on embedding sustainability principles into all aspects and facets of our business.
27,405 stores in 67 Russian regions and Uzbekistan 361 thous.
361 thous. employees as at 31 December 2022
~6 thous. suppliers
> 16mln customers daily
Our values
Customers at the heart of everything we do.
Caring for our customers We build long-lasting connections with our customers. Our team members can easily relate to customers because they also shop in Magnit.
Stronger together We achieve success through teamwork, incorporating the views of our employees.
Focusing on results We always accomplish our goals and strive to do so in the most efficient manner.
Taking responsibility We scrupulously follow the Company's principles and we take responsibility for our decisions.
Our competitive edge
Own food production
Magnit is the only food retailer in Russia with its own food production facilities, which manufacture private label items. By 2025, we intend to increase the share of private labels to 25% of our total sales.
Better quality
RUB 13 bln – investment in food and service quality assurance
Online quality monitoring across the production cycle, from feedstock to finished products
Advanced equipment with a high degree of automation
Compliance with GOST R ISO 22000-2007 and the international Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) v.5
Magnit’s private label products won 136 awards at international competitions
Wider range
Launch of over 700 new private label SKUs
Launch of own coffee roasting and packaging facility
Launch of a new mushroom growing centre
More eco-friendly
Using entomophagy instead of pesticides for pest control
Switching private labels to recyclable packaging, which is harmless to people and not toxic to aquatic life
Reducing CO2 emissions from boilers by using them as additional fertilisers at greenhouses
20 own production facilities and agricultural complexes
+ 9 % in-house produceYoYgrowth in 2022
5 thous. SKUs in the private label portfolio
Advanced logistics
Magnit is one of Russia’s largest logistics operators. We improve own logistics infrastructure while also testing new logistics formats. In 2022, we streamlined product shipments and adopted a new supplier management procedure in order to optimise costs and offer our customers more affordable and quality products.
44 distribution centres
> 5 thous. truck fleet
1.9 mln sq. m of warehouse space
Lower emissions
Replacing old vehicles with Euro-5 eco standard
Transition to hybrid engines
Using more eco-friendly fuels
Better occupational safety
Training employees in safety culture, supply chain technologies, and management competencies in logistics
Equipping medical offices for employees at major logistics centres
Additional training in driving safety for new drivers
Less waste
>99% of total plastic generated by the logistics unit is sent for recycling
Multiformat retail chain
We leverage our large food retail chain while also diversifying our business by opening drogeries and pharmacies under the Magnit brand and offering e-commerce and delivery services.
4 core formats in grocery, drogerie, and pharma segments
27,405 stores in 4,068 cities and townships across 7 federal districts in Russia and Uzbekistan as at the end of 2022
9,472 thous. sq. m of selling space in 2022
12.8 % food retail market share
More stores
1,328 new stores (net)
11 new dark stores
Better shopping experience
E-commerce growth by a factor of 2.9
Launch of 30-minute delivery from 6,000 stores
6 thous. SKUs from the Magnit Cosmetics product range available on Ozon and Wildberries at the end of 2022
Lower resource usage
Sales areas, building facades, street lighting, car parks and logistics centres featuring energy-efficient LED lighting
Reducing heat losses thanks to the use of gas generator sets installed in power generation centres that capture heat energy and transmit it through the heating network to our facilities
Reducing energy consumption for refrigeration equipment by installing new refrigerated cabinets in the sales areas