Assessment of compliance with ISO 26000-2012 principles

Self-assessment of the Magnit Group’s compliance with the Principles of Social Responsibility under GOST R ISO 26000-2012 Guidance on Social Responsibility

Principle Compliance Comment Report section

Principle 1:

an organisation should be accountable for its impacts on society, the economy, and the environment

Complied with The Magnit Group’s Sustainability Report discloses what the Group did in the reporting year to reduce negative impacts and enhance positive ones on society, the economy, and the environment.

Principle 2:

an organisation should be transparent in its decisions and activities that affect society and the environment

Complied with The Magnit Group’s Sustainability Report and the Annual Report disclose the policies, decisions and activities for which the Group is responsible in a clear, accurate and complete manner and to a reasonable and sufficient degree, including their known and likely impacts on society and the environment, specifically:
the purpose and nature of its activities

Company Overview section of the Sustainability Report for 2022

the identity of any controlling interest in the activity of the Group Corporate Governance section of the Annual Report for 2022
the manner in which its decisions are made, implemented and reviewed, including the definition of the roles, responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities across the different functions in the Group

Sustainability Management section of the Sustainability Report for 2022

Corporate Governance section of the Annual Report for 2022

standards and criteria against which the Group evaluates its own performance relating to social responsibility

About this Report section of the Sustainability Report for 2022

Compliance with non-financial Reporting Standards and Recommendations Index Appendix to the Sustainability Report for 2022

its performance on relevant and significant issues of social responsibility

Sustainability Management section of the Sustainability Report for 2022

Compliance with non-financial Reporting Standards and Recommendations Index Appendix to the Sustainability Report for 2022

the sources, amounts and application of its funds Information is disclosed throughout both Reports for 2022.In accordance with Principle 2 under GOST R ISO 26000-2012, the principle of transparency does not require that proprietary information be made public, nor does it involve providing information that is privileged or that would breach legal, commercial, security or personal privacy obligations.
the known and likely impacts of its decisions and activities on its stakeholders, society, the economy and the environment Information is disclosed throughout the Sustainability Report for 2022.In accordance with Principle 2 under GOST R ISO 26000-2012, the principle of transparency does not require that proprietary information be made public, nor does it involve providing information that is privileged or that would breach legal, commercial, security or personal privacy obligations.
its stakeholders and the criteria and procedures used to identify, select and engage them

2022 Stakeholder Engagement Appendix to the Sustainability Report for 2022

About this Report Appendix to the Sustainability Report for 2022

Principle 3:

an organisation should behave ethically

Complied with The Magnit Group adheres to the high legal, ethical and moral standards set out in its Business Ethics Code, best Russian and international practices of business conduct, corporate governance and relationships with employees and other stakeholders. Corporate Governance section of the Sustainability Report for 2022

Principle 4:

an organisation should respect, consider and respond to the interests of its stakeholders

Complied with The Magnit Group engages with stakeholders and considers their rights and interests in the course of its activities. 2022 Stakeholder Engagement Appendix to the Sustainability Report for 2022

Principle 5:

an organisation should accept that respecting the rule of law is mandatory

Complied with The Magnit Group complies with legal requirements in all jurisdictions in which it operates and regularly reviews its compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Sustainability Management section of the Sustainability Report for 2022

Corporate Governance section of the Sustainability Report for 2022

Principle 6:

an organisation should respect international standards of conduct, while adhering to respect for the rule of law

Complied with The Magnit Group abides by international standards of conduct, while adhering to respect for the rule of law, and avoids being complicit in the activities of any organisations that are not consistent with international standards of conduct.

Sustainability Management section of the Sustainability Report for 2022

Corporate Governance section of the Sustainability Report for 2022

Principle 7:

an organisation should respect human rights and recognise both their importance and universal validity

Complied with Guided by generally accepted practices in protecting human rights and freedoms, the Magnit Group does its best to comply with applicable standards and requirements. Responsible Business section of the Sustainability Report for 2022

Self-assessment of the Magnit Group’s compliance with GOST R ISO 26000-2012 Guidance on Social Responsibility in reporting on sustainable development (Clause 5.3; Box 15 in Clause 7.5.4; Clause 7.6.2)Clause 5.3; Box 15 in Clause 7.5.4; Clause 7.6.2

Requirement/recommendation Compliance Comment Report section
Stakeholder identification and engagement are central to addressing an organisation’s social responsibility Complied with The Magnit Group’s Sustainability Report contains a list of stakeholders and describes stakeholder engagement 2022 Stakeholder Engagement Appendix to the Sustainability Report for 2022
Stakeholder engagement involves dialogue between the organisation and one or more of its stakeholders Complied with The Magnit Group’s Sustainability Report describes stakeholder engagement 2022 Stakeholder Engagement Appendix to the Sustainability Report for 2022
An organisation should, at appropriate intervals, report about its performance on social responsibility to the stakeholders affected Complied with The Group’s sustainability reports are made available to everyone annually on its website
In reporting to its stakeholders, an organisation should include information about its objectives and performance on the core subjects and relevant issues of social responsibility. It should describe how and when stakeholders have been involved in the organisation’s reporting on social responsibility Complied with The Report describes how material topics are identified involving stakeholders About this Report Appendix to the Sustainability Report for 2022
The scope and scale of an organisation’s report should be appropriate for the size and nature of the organisation; Complied with The Report covers companies within the Magnit Group and sustainability activities across all three aspects (Environmental, Social, Governance)
The report should describe how the organisation decided upon the issues covered and the way those issues would be addressed Complied with The Report describes how the Group mitigates its impacts
The report should present the organisation’s goals, operational performance, products and services in the context of sustainable development Complied with The Report includes strategic sustainability goals and presents the reporting year’s progress against them Sustainability Management section of the Sustainability Report for 2022
Additional information on reporting on social responsibility can be obtained from the initiatives and tools on reporting – at global, national or sector-specific level Complied with The Report complies with global sustainability standards (GRI, SASB, TCFD) Compliance with ESG Reporting Standards and Recommendations Index Appendix to the Sustainability Report for 2022
Making reports about performance on social responsibility comparable both over time [to each other] and with reports produced by peer organisations Complied with The Report is comparable to the Group’s reports for previous years and peer disclosures
A brief explanation of why topics omitted from reports are not covered, to show that the organisation has made an effort to cover all significant matters Complied with The Report explains the changes and omissions made About this Report Appendix to the Sustainability Report for 2022
Using a rigorous and responsible process of verification, in which the data and information are traced back to a reliable source to verify accuracy of that data and information Complied with Source data are collected at relevant units and verified first by their respective heads and then by the Report’s team. Once a draft version of the Report is available, the unit heads verify the data again
Publishing a statement attesting to the verification as part of the report Complied with The Report features an official statement that it was approved by the Group’s governing bodies About this Report Appendix to the Sustainability Report for 2022
Making use of stakeholder groups to provide a determination that the report reflects the relevant and significant issues for the organisation, that it is responsive to the needs of stakeholders, and that it provides complete coverage of the issues addressed Complied with In the reporting year, the Magnit Group surveyed stakeholders regarding their assessment of the Group’s impact on economic, environmental and social matters, analysed their responses and identified material topics that were later included in the Group’s Sustainability Report for 2022 About this Report Appendix to the Sustainability Report for 2022
Taking extra steps to be transparent by providing information of a [kind] and in a form that can be easily verified Complied with The Report includes references to data sources
Reporting conformance to the reporting guidelines of an external organisation Complied with The Report takes into account the GRI, SASB and TCFD standards Compliance with non-financial Reporting Standards and Recommendations Index Appendix