Listing of shares on the Moscow Exchange

The Company’s shares have been traded on the Moscow Exchange (MGNT) since 24 April 2006.

Magnit shares are included in the following Moscow Exchange’s indices: Stock Subindex, MOEX Russia Index (IMOEX), MOEX Active Management Index, MOEX 15 Index, Blue Chip Index, Broad Market Index, Consumer Sector Index, RTS Consumer Sector Index, RTS Index, Broad Market RTS Index, MOEX Russia Index calculated during all trading day with additional trading sessions (IMOEX2), MOEX-RSPP Responsibility and Transparency Index, MOEX-RSPP Sustainability Vector Index, and MOEX-RSPP Sustainability Russian Companies Vector Index.

The Company’s shares have been traded on the Moscow Exchange (MGNT)
since 24 April 2006
Share trading on the Moscow Exchange in 2022
Share price and trading volume on the Moscow Exchange in Q1–Q4 2022
Period Share price, RUB ADTV, RUB mln Market capitalisation at end of period, RUB bln
Min. Max. As at the end of period Period total Daily average Daily median
Q1 2,414 5,643 4,155 114,236 2,596 2,379 423.4
Q2 3,850 4,939 4,238 31,314 522 421 431.9
Q3 4,155 5,631 4,680 49,331 747 622 476.9
Q4 4,239 5,370 4,362 62,952 984 809 444.5

Source: Company estimates based on Moscow Exchange quotes