Authorised and issued share capital

As at 31 December 2022, the authorised capital of PJSC Magnit amounted to RUB 1,019,113.55 and comprised 101,901,355 ordinary registered uncertified sharesState registration number: 1-01-60525-P of 4 March 2004. with a par value of RUB 0.01 each.

In addition to its outstanding shares, the Company had the right to issue 98,938,645 ordinary registered shares with a par value of RUB 0.01 each (authorised shares).

As at 31 December 2022, PJSC Magnit did not hold any treasury shares. As at 31 December 2022, JSC Tander, owned by the Company, held 3,817,249 voting shares in PJSC Magnit, which represented 3.75% of Magnit’s total ordinary registered shares acquired in 2018–2019 to implement its LTI programme. As at 31 December 2022, no other organisations controlled by the Company owned voting shares in PJSC Magnit.

As at 31 December 2022, there were 40 persons in the Company’s share register, including 35 individuals, one nominal holder and three other legal entities.

The Company’s ordinary shares are listed on the Moscow Exchange. As at the end of 2022, Magnit’s market capitalisation on the Moscow Exchange was RUB 444.5 blnCapitalisation in RUB is calculated using the following formula: number of outstanding shares × share price as at the end of 2022..

2022 highlights
Magnit’s market capitalisation on the Moscow Exchange as at the end of 2022
RUB 444.5 bln

Magnit’s authorised capital
RUB 1,019,113.55
Structure of share capital as at the end of 2022The structure of share capital is provided according to the register of shareholders of PJSC Magnit as of 31 December 2022.
Number of registered entities Share of authorised capital, %
Legal entities 4 97.57
including nominal holders 1 97.57
Individuals 35 2.43
Other (unidentified persons) 1 0.00004
Total 40 100.00
Significant changes in the share capital structure in 2022
Date of change Change
January 2022 Marathon Group increased its share of votes attached to the voting shares in the authorised capital of PJSC Magnit to 29.23%.

Authorised and issued share capital history

  • 24 April 2006

    The Company completed the process of an initial public offering in the Russian Trading System (RTS) and on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX).

  • 13 February 2008

    Magnit announced a secondary share placement: 11,300,000 shares were offered for additional issuance, including shares placed with pre-emptive rights for existing shareholders, as well as previously placed shares owned by the selling shareholder.

  • 22 April 2008

    Conditional trading in GDRs certifying the rights to Magnit’s shares commenced on the LSE. Later in April Magnit’s GDRs were included in the official list of the UK Listing Authority.

  • 2 September 2009

    Magnit announced another public offering of 11,154,918 ordinary shares. The offering price was USD 65 per ordinary share and USD 13 per GDR.

  • 6 October 2011

    The Board of Directors of Magnit decided to increase the authorised capital by issuing 10,813,516 additional shares. The public offering was completed on 15 December 2011.

  • 15 November 2017

    The Board of Directors of Magnit decided to increase the authorised capital by issuing 7,350,000 additional shares. The public offering was completed on 15 January 2018.

  • 21 August 2018

    The Board of Directors of Magnit approved the total amount of funds allocated for share buybacks as follows (taking into account the changes approved by the Board of Directors on 4 October 2018):

    • up to RUB 16.5 bln – for the LTI programme;
    • up to RUB 5.7 bln – as payment for transactions related to the acquisition of SIA Group.

    The programme was launched on 5 September 2018 and completed on 1 March 2019.

  • 28 November 2018

    JSC Tander, Magnit’s subsidiary, concluded an agreement with Serengate Advisors Limited, under which the latter received 1,513,601 shares comprising 1.485213% of the total number of shares in Magnit, as payment for the transaction related to the acquisition of SIA Group.

  • 30 August 2022

    The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) deleted Magnit’s GDRs from the Official List and the London Stock Exchange cancelled their admission to trading on the Main Market.