Minimising risks
GRI 403-2

To mitigate relevant risks, the Company delves into the causes of accidents and occupational health and safety violations identified in the monitoring process. Based on the analysis results, corrective measures are developed and implemented. To make sure that occupational health and safety requirements are complied with and employees understand their responsibilities and safe work principles, the Company runs annual comprehensive checks.

The Company’s Safety Policy stresses the need for immediate action to eliminate occupational hazards or other circumstances causing damage to employees’ life and health.

Magnit Group’s risk assessment system
Hazard factors by business area and Magnit’s responsibility
Retail facilities Warehouse logistics Transport logistics Own production
  • Falling from height
  • Getting injured while moving around the territory and laying out merchandise
  • Conflicts
  • Industrial vehicle accidents, accidents related to handling equipment
  • Falling items
  • Falling from height while moving around the territory
  • Road traffic accidents
  • Getting injured while moving transport packaging
  • Getting injured by falling items
  • Road traffic accidents
  • Handling hazardous substances, unsafe employee behaviour
Accident prevention measures
  • Employee safety training as regards their movement around the territory and handling of goods
  • Special training for floor staff on safe behaviour in conflict situations
  • Special training on handling equipment and machinery
  • Assessment of working conditions, identification and elimination of hazards
  • Safe behaviour training
  • Training sessions on safe driving for driver staff
  • Safe behaviour training
  • Theoretical and practical training sessions on safe driving for driver staff
  • Regular vehicle check-ups
  • Dedicated briefings on handling hazardous substances

Hazardous situations are often caused by the behaviour of third parties. We take every effort to prevent accidents.