Procurement from Russian suppliers
GRI 204-1
GRI 13.9.1

In 2022, we increased turnover with domestic producers by 19.3%. Procurement from Russian suppliers accounted for around 95% of the total.

We cooperate with more than 6,100 partners, of which about half are regional. The share of local producers and farmers in Magnit’s sales was 35%, up 5 p.p. YoY.

Working with domestic producers gives us the opportunity to expand our product offering, support regional businesses, and contribute to the development of the local economy. In addition, engaging local suppliers allows us to optimise our logistics by keeping products fresh, shortening the product journey to the shelf, and reducing emissions during transport.

We make it easier for farmers’ goods to reach our stores by entering into a simplified supply agreement with them and reducing the paperwork compared to large suppliers. At the same time, we carefully monitor compliance of our partners with their obligations to ensure availability and high quality of farm products in our stores.

Percentage of Russian products in the range of socially important goods
of bread and baked goods (+5 p.p.)
of dairy products (+39 p.p.)
of poultry meat (+41 p.p.)