Waste management

Aware of the importance of effectively managing packaging and food waste to minimise environmental footprint, we seek to reduce waste and recycle it properly and safely.

Our approach to waste management
GRI 306-2

Sustainable waste management is one of Magnit’s focus areas in its effort to minimise implications for the environment. The retail industry has a significant impact on the environment. We focus on preventing and minimising waste we generate, and introduce initiatives to maximise the amount of waste to be reused and recycled.

Effective waste management initiatives

  • Improving packaging collection schemes
  • Taking part in government initiatives for effective waste management
  • Supporting initiatives to raise awareness of separate waste collection (educational programmes and separate waste collection at the Company’s sites)
  • Enhancing the sustainable waste management mechanism
  • Streamlining the collection and sorting of recyclables generated by business units
  • Encouraging employees who collect waste separately and promote effective waste management
  • Raising stakeholder awareness of the Company’s waste management process.
Waste management structure

We pay special attention to make sure we maximise the volume of waste to be reused. We develop and launch projects to reduce our waste and also seek to increase the amount of waste recycled. Magnit sends for recycling almost all secondary materials generated in its operations: cardboard, paper, and plastics. Ramping up the collection and recycling of these types of waste is among the goals of our Sustainability Strategy. The total volume of waste sent for recycling and/or reuse in 2022 was 266,718.81 tonnes.

Strategic goal to 2025 2022 performance
50% private labels and own production packaging recyclable, reusable or compostable

Private labels: 68% of packaging is suitable for recycling, with 24% recyclable and 44% potentially recyclable (recycling infrastructure for some components is limited)Assessment methodology: compliance with the Voluntary Sustainable Packaging Standard (ECR Russia) based on the analysis of 1,145 SKUs of Magnit’s private label products. In 2022, the Company assessed the body of packaging.

Own production: 79% of packaging is suitable for recycling, with 37% recyclable and 42% potentially recyclable (recycling infrastructure for some components is limited)Assessment methodology — compliance with the Voluntary Sustainable Packaging Standard (ECR Russia).

100% of plastics generated by Magnit’s stores and distribution centres collected and recycled More than 99% of plastic packaging generated during transportation recycled
50% food waste reduction 52.5% reduction in specific food waste generation vs the 2019 base year (147.04 kg per RUB mln)