About this Report
The Sustainability Report is a standalone document presenting the Magnit Group’s non-financial information in a detailed manner in line with international standards and national guidelines on nonfinancial reporting.
This is the fourth report intended for the stakeholder community. It covers our management approaches, non-financial performance indicators, sustainability strategy and progress towards its goals, and contains an overview of our short-term and mid-term environmental, social and governance plans and initiatives.
The information in this Report was prepared by the relevant business units of the Company within their areas of responsibility. It was collected and consolidated by the Sustainability Department on the basis of international and national guidelines and standards.
This Report is part of Magnit’s annual reporting suite and should be read together with its Annual Report.
The Report is subject to mandatory internal data verification, and is agreed and approved by the Company’s senior management.
Scope of this Report
This Report presents the Magnit Group’s non-financial results for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2022. Data is disclosed for PJSC Magnit and its subsidiaries (also jointly referred to in the Report as Magnit Group or the Group).
Basis of preparation, principles for defining the content and quality of the Report
This Report is prepared in accordance with GRI standards (GRI 1: Foundation 2021 and sector-specific GRI 13: Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fishing Sectors 2022), as well as the UN Global Compact requirements for an annual report on adherence to its Ten Principles (Communication on Progress).
This Report is aligned with key principles as set out in the GRI Standards, including balance, comparability, accuracy, timeliness, clarity and reliability. A list of indicators described in the GRI Standards is provided in the Compliance with Non-Financial Reporting standards and Recommendations (GRI, SASB, TCFD, RSPP) Appendix.
The Report contains disclosures under the TCFD recommendations (Compliance with Non-Financial Reporting standards and Recommendations (GRI, SASB, TCFD, RSPP) Appendix) and retail-specific indicators in line with the SASB standards (Compliance with Non-Financial Reporting standards and Recommendations (GRI, SASB, TCFD, RSPP) Appendix).
When preparing this Report, we also relied upon:
- the Public Non-Financial Reporting Concept and the Action Plan for its Implementation approved by a decree of the Russian Government in 2017
- GOST R ISO 26000-2012 Guidance on Social Responsibility, including the results of selfassessment of the Magnit Group’s compliance with GOST R ISO 26000-2012 Principles of Social Responsibility in relation to sustainability reporting (Assessment of Compliance with ISO 26000-2012 Principles Appendix)
- Bank of Russia Recommendations for Public Joint-Stock Companies to Disclose Non-Financial Information Regarding their Operations (Information Letter No. IN-06-28/56 dated 26 July 2021), Bank of Russia Recommendations for the Board of Directors of a Public Joint-Stock Company to Consider ESG Factors and Sustainable Development Issues (Information Letter No. IN-06-28/96 dated 16 December 2021), including the results of self-assessment of compliance with these recommendations (Board of Directors’ Assessment of Compliance with Requirements of the Bank of Russia Relating to Non-Financial Reporting and ESG Factors Appendix)
- Principles of the RSPP Social Charter of the Russian Business
- RSPP recommendations on maintaining and promoting sustainability agenda in today’s Russian practices
- expert advice expressed in the Opinion of the RSPP Council on Non-Financial Reporting following the review of the Magnit Group’s Sustainability Report for 2021, including the Company’s response to recommendations of the RSPP Expert Council (Report on Compliance with the RSPP Recommendations Appendix).
When presenting data, we largely prefer a balanced approach to disclosing material information about our activities in all three key sustainability areas (economic, environmental and social), as well as ESG factors, with due consideration given to the stakeholder opinions.
To avoid duplicate disclosures, this Report makes references to the Company’s 2022 Annual Report and other publicly available documents.
Publication and distribution of the Report
The Russian and English versions of the Report are published on the Group’s website, with an interactive version also available.
Material topics of the Report
The content of the Report was defined in accordance with the applicable standards and guidelines in consultation with the Company’s stakeholders. For more details on stakeholders, see Appendix (Stakeholder Engagement).
Defining material topics
Defining material topics is critical as it helps us better understand our stakeholders, take their opinions into account when making important decisions, develop new and adjust existing approaches to sustainability management.
In the reporting year, the Magnit Group identified its economic, environmental and social impacts (both actual and potential) and then defined the material topics which are disclosed in the relevant sections of this Report.
To define impacts and material topics, the Company:
- creates a pool of experts on economic, environmental and social impacts
- surveys experts to define its actual and potential economic, environmental and social impacts
- analyses survey results and ranks actual and potential economic, environmental and social impacts based on their significance
- includes significant impacts as questionnaire topics in a stakeholder survey
- surveys stakeholders, analyses survey results and ranks topics based on their significance (material topics of first priority, material topics with a high priority, and material topics with a low priority)
- draws up the list of material topics.
The list of material topics
- Ensuring consumer health and safety
- Ensuring local and regional food security
- Respect of labour rights and safe working conditions
- Increased use of environmentally friendly (recyclable) packaging for private labels and own production
- Reducing food waste
- Reducing food losses along production and supply chains
- Building sustainable food production and supply chains
- Improving the anti-corruption framework
- Increasing the number of customers and employees committed to healthy lifestyles
- Building long-term multi-stakeholder partnerships to support the sustainable development goals
- Promoting equality and inclusion
- Promoting stability of regional food markets
- Maintaining the assortment of popular product categories and pursuing import substitution
For more details on the sections covering material topics, see Appendix (Compliance with non-financial Reporting Standards and Recommendations).
Also, the content of the Report was defined in accordance with:
- takeaways and topics from stakeholder engagement
- takeaways and topics from stakeholder feedback
- recommendations of the RSPP Council on Non-Financial Reporting following public verification of the 2021 Report.