Training and development
In 2022, we conducted 32.5 hours of training per employee, with training courses and seminars delivered across various operational divisions and staff levels, including training in health and safety, corporate ethics. The Company’s training programme with the broadest coverage is on occupational health and safety, with more than 131,000 employees trained in 2022. The total number of Magnit employees who received training under professional development and retraining programmes reached nearly 7,300. More than 12,400 people took part in corporate ethics trainings.
In 2022, the primary focus was on training programmes involving internal resources and the development of programmes featuring individuals in positions of leadership as trainers.
Magnit’s Corporate Academy
In 2020, we launched Magnit’s Corporate Academy, with a goal of centralising all training and development activities at Magnit. The Academy has various faculties to train staff members in a specific corporate business area. Its instructors include internal Academy specialists, invited experts, and experienced Magnit employees. The Academy’s headcount totals 108 people. The Corporate Academy issues state diplomas and certificates upon completion of special programmes: it is licensed to conduct educational activities by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
The Company needs to train employees quickly and effectively and to provide continuous education for them going forward. We develop and run educational programmes for our personnel in order to keep their skills and expertise in line with the Company’s goals and objectives, requirements of the labour market, expectations of consumers and society as a whole. We have vast experience in training, with over 30,000 people trained each year. We value our employees’ willingness to gain skills and experience and to grow with us.
Magnit’s Corporate Academy
- Category Review programme developed
- Effective communication and negotiation courses
- Training programmes on agricultural and production technology
- Mentoring programmes
- Managerial competencies development training
- Training in technical expertise with invited specialists
- Courses on safety culture, supply chain technologies, and management competencies in logistics
- Training in Agile and product approach for HR
- Business process re-engineering
- Professional training programmes on work processes and courses in managerial competencies in retail for executives
Corporate Academy highlights in 2022
- We continued to build our mentoring culture: we organised over 1,200 visits to training stores for our employees, held motivational meetings between mentors and new hires, and trained mentors. We introduced a mentoring system in our logistics unit and at our production facility (Kuban Factory of Bakery Products). On top of that, we launched an automated bonus system for mentors in retail stores.
- We developed and implemented new training programmes for retail employees, including induction trainings, as well as trainings on 132 topics related to innovations at Magnit. Retail managers improved their professional competencies, learned new management techniques and took practical training.
- We launched the Power of Leadership talent development programme for managers. In 2022, a training course for 60 middle managers (grade 14) was successfully implemented and a course for 46 top managers (grades 15−16) was launched. As part of Leadership Workshops offered for the talent pool members, 110 managers from various functions underwent management skills training in 2022. Leadership Workshops feature Company managers as trainers, leveraging in-house training and coaching expertise.
- In 2022, we made progress in the training of logistics staff and employees at our own facilities: we introduced new e-learning programmes for rank-and-file employees and held management webinars for management teams at production facilities.
- We designed more than 60 pieces of training content and delivered 247 training sessions, 2 seminars and a held a Speaker Club session for IT units.
In 2022, Magnit’s Corporate Academy launched a retraining programme for professionals from various retail segments and people who have lost their jobs and distressed people. Under the programme, subsequent employment is offered. In particular, we provide training to those working in fashion retail, construction materials, household goods, and catering, etc. Our retraining programmes include both theory and practice, feature online learning technology and a robust onboarding and mentoring system. All digital learning opportunities are available to future professionals: the corporate training system’s mobile app, training on dedicated digital platforms. In logistics, would-be drivers take a mandatory course on Safe and Fuel-Efficient Driving, practise skills with instructing drivers and join the ranks after they pass all the tests.
DIXY, which became part of Magnit Group in 2021, works hard to train staff. In the reporting year, basic training programmes were developed and implemented for each level of positions in a store. Professional training covers 80% of new DIXY employees. DIXY is introducing a mentoring culture and provides hands-on training for newcomers supported by experienced employees for all positions in a store. In the reporting year, DIXY developed a mentoring methodology according to which 246 mentors were trained and certified. The company assessed the knowledge of experienced retail employees with a randomised testing tool which helped identify areas for development and provide additional training. To keep the quality of our work at a high level, we launched an online channel for direct communication between sales vertical managers and experts; we are also developing additional training programmes for DIXY employees.
This is an ambitious initiative implemented in the Central Federal District where Magnit provides trainings, works on a variety of projects to improve the leadership and professional skills of the managers working in the district. As part of the initiative, we have already conducted an offline training for the district’s territorial managers, an offline conference on operations and HR, a two-day offline Effective Management training for the district’s functional managers featuring a guest speaker, and online training sessions. Moreover, the School has developed a framework to provide individual feedback to participants from the District Director, HRD and the format’s COO. Its purpose is to discuss performance, draw special attention to strengths and weaknesses, set the right course of action and draw up a quality customised development plan. Each participant is assigned a project for which they are responsible and which they develop not only in their own territory but also across the whole district. The projects included programmes such as Contactless Acceptance, Everything in the Box and Active Magnit Cosmetics Sales
Magnit Group employees take an active part in volunteering activities, helping socially disadvantaged groups, holding environmental events and supporting animal shelters.
For more details on Magnit’s volunteering projects, see the Engaging with Local Communities section.